samedi 29 juin 2013

Medizinische Astrologie & die 4 Elemente - Till Ahrens

Kepler und die Astrologie

Kepler und die Astrologie

famous astrologer reveals reasons behind failure of predictions.wmv

famous astrologer reveals reasons behind failure of predictions.wmv

James Randi and an Astrologer

Astrologia Umanistica

Astrología y el judaísmo Rabino Zamir Cohen

Astrologia Kármica: Uma Visão Espiritual - 1

Astrologia Kármica: Uma Visão Espiritual - 1

Astrología y Supersticiones

Historia de la Astrologia 1/3

Docu La Biblia Religión o Astrología by DOCUMENTALESIFULL25_youtube_orig...

Astrologia Esotérica - Nilton Schutz (parte 2)

Astrologia Esotérica - Nilton Schutz (parte 2)


Entrevista sobre Sorte (astrologia)

Astrologia Histórico-Social

LOS GUNAS - Astrología Védica Jyotish ( Ramanuja Das)

incas y astrologia all

Astrología y simbolismo religioso.

Classi di astrologia parte5

Astrologia Mondiale: Aspetti Giornalieri dal 1900 al 2020

Seminario Psico-astrología Chile 2012

Seminario Psico-astrología Chile 2012

Astrología, parapsicología y medicinas alternativas - Alejandro Borgo

la astrologia es una gran verdad rodeada de mentiras

Video de astrologia (introducción)

Video de astrologia (introducción)

vendredi 28 juin 2013

BBC Horizon 1980 Astrology

Jewish Astrology Part 1-Rabbi Ilan Acoca December 16, 2012

Astrology and Judaism rabbi zamir cohen MOST INGENIOUS

Chuck Missler - Astrology Signs & The Hebrew Zodiac

Jewish Astrology Class # 3 - February 3, 2013

Mike Hoggard, Astrology and Daniel's Fourth Kingdom

Astrology: Birth Chart Rectification using Transits and Progressions

What did Gauquelin Discover? Did he prove astrology?

Nostradamus Decoded

Nostradamus, Eliphas Levi, Himmler, Joseph Smith de la Iglesia Mormona y...


Tag der Astrologie

La astrología como ciencia (1/2)

La Astronomía vs la Astrologia - Capitulo 1 - parte 1

Carl Sagan Astronomia y Astrologia

Introducción a la astronomía y en que se diferencia de la astrología

congresso 3-10-2010.wmv

D'Annunzio Convegno Adriatico parte 1


Lisa Morpurgo Congresso 1993

Intervista a Lisa Morpurgo - prima parte

Intervista a Lisa Morpurgo - seconda parte

1 congresso di astrologia umanistica psicologia - Eridanoschool

Robert Hand - "Astrology, Morality & Ethics"

Noel Tyl ISAR 1985 Vocational Astrology

What is Evolutionary Astrology? | Maurice Fernandez

Progression Theory - Robert Blaschke

Jane Ridder-Patrick Medical Astrology: Sickness the Big Seven

Astrologer Mark Jones on the Capricorn Archetype

Astrologer Mark Jones on the Capricorn Archetype

Richard Tarnas: The Value of Astrology

Richard Tarnas: The Value of Astrology

Astrology Interview with Nick Dagan Best

Astrology Interview with Nick Dagan Best

Astrological Association 40th Conference and 50th Birthday

Pavel Globa on astrology conference

astrology & modern science, presentation by PRAVESH VYAS in orental rese...

2011 Conference Astrology Day 1 Michael Robbins - Aspects of the Intuition

How Will the Breaking Down the Borders Internet Astrology Conference Work


Blast Astrology Conference Special

Online Internet Astrology Conference Nov 2010

Astrologer Rebecca Crane on the Uranus/Pluto Square, the United Astrolog...