Mon 14 October, 11:10 PM UT
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 80.31%
Waxing Gibbous
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International Confereces in the world 2000-2001 Tees Reitsma
Major International
(last update: 1st of April 2000 - updated every 4 months) |
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13 - 17 January 2000 - Australia - 13th Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) International Astrology Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, organized by The Victorian Astrologers Association (VAA), an affiliate of the FAA. Info: Phone 61-3-9848-9046, Fax 61-3-9848-1700 Email: nlang@ozemail.com.au | |
27 January - 1 February 2000 - USA - The Seventh International Vedic Astrology Symposium, Poco Diablo Resort, Sedona, Arizona, USA, with James Braha, Christina Collins Hill, Narendra Desai, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Brendan Feeley, Dennis Flaherty, Andrew Foss, Dr. David Frawley, David Goldstein, Ph.D., Gary Gomes, Das Goravani, Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D., Edith Hathaway, Richard Houck, Kenneth Johnson, James Kelleher, Sat Siri Khalsa, Robert Koch, R.G. Krishnan, William R. Levacy, Nalini (Tom Hopke), Geoffrey Pearce, Dr. John Roberts, Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Prince Hirindra Singh, Ph.D., Atreya Smith, Steven Stuckey, Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara, Komilla Sutton, Chakrapani Ullal. Info: Phone 1-520-282-6595 Email: dmharness@aol.com URL: http://www.vedicastrology.org | |
3 - 5 March 2000 - England - The Brighton Weekend, Queens Hotel, Brighton, England, organized by The Company of Astrologers. Info: P.O.Box 3001, London N1 1LY, England, Phone 44-1227-362427 Email: admin@coa.org.uk URL: http://www.hubcom.com/coa | |
12 - 21 March 2000 - England - Vedic Astrology Conference: "Celebrating the Sun" in India.Info: 19 Jenner Way, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8PD, England Email: Komilla.Sutton@btinternet.com URL: http://www.Komilla.com | |
7 - 10 April 2000 - Israel - Jerusalem weekend: "Follow the star", organized by The Company of Astrologers in Jerusalem, Israel, with Geoffrey Cornelius, Maggie Hyde and incl. sightseeing trips. Info: P.O.Box 3001, London N1 1LY, England, Phone 44-1227-362427 Email: admin@coa.org.uk URL: http://www.hubcom.com/coa | |
4 - 16 April 2000 - Netherlands - Annual congress: "The future is in the now", Soesterberg, The Netherlands with Elly Boersma, Pieter K. Bij, Darby Costello (England), Peter Delahay, Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Joop van Hulzen, Pieter Kuyper, Lee Lehman (USA) and William de Rijcke. Info: Phone 31-182-518218 or 31-75-6401230, Fax 31-182-678455 or 31-75-6401075 Email: a.vermist@cable.a2000.nl URL: http://www.hier.is/astrologencongres | |
12 - 13 April 2000 - Denmark - Business/market Conference, Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen, Denmark, with Karen Boesen, Bill Meridian and others. Info: phone/fax: 45-38-287376 Email: astrolog@post5.tele.dk URL: http://www.erhvervsastrologi.dk | |
15 - 16 April 2000 - Denmark - 2nd annual International Society of Business Astrologers (ISBA) conference, Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen, Denmark, with tentative speakers: Karen Boesen (Denmark), Dinos Constantinou (Cyprus), Karl Aage Jensen (Denmark), Bill Meridian (Arab Emirates), Michael Munkasey (USA), Claudia von Schierstedt (Germany), Christeen Skinner (UK), Ralph Treier (Germany), Henry Weingarten (USA). Info: phone/fax: 45-38-287376 Email: info@businessastrologers.com URL: http://www.businessastrologers.com | |
21 - 24 April 2000 - USA - Astro 2000 Conference "Hope and Healing for the New Millennium", Denver, CO, USA, with Barbara Banfield, Lynn Bell, Ulrich Bold, Donna Cunningham, Adrian Ross Duncan, Maurice Fernandez, Phyllis Firak-Mitz, Steven Forrest, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Jeff Jawer, Terry Lamb, Alphee Lavoie, Kim Maynard, Don McBroom, Philip Sedgwick, Noel Tyl. Info: Phone 1-303-4490212 Email: dr.cheriecook@juno.com URL: http://www.jeffreywolfgreen.com or http://www.NoelTyl.com | |
28 - 30 April 2000 - Italy - Congress: "Astrology and love: advices of stars for the couple in the third millennium", organized by the Astrological Magazine Sirio in Ischia (island in front of Naples), Italy, with Veronica Artioli, Rosanna Bergonzi, Grazia Bordoni, Ciro Discepolo, Gian Carlo Introno, Maria Grazia Roatta Mirti, Clara Negri, Marco Pesatori, Aniela Pratesi, Helen Saltarini. Email: grabor@tin.it | |
28 April - 1 May 2000 - Hawaii/USA - Fourth Annual Vedic Astrology in Paradise at the Kauai Coconut Beach Hotel, Kapaa, Hawaii, USA, with Acharya Ceyonswami, Christina Collins Hill, Dennis Flaherty, Dr. David Frawley, Gary Gomes, Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D., Edith Hathaway, Kenneth Johnson, James Kelleher, William R. Levacy, Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Chakrapani Ullal. Phone: 1-520-282-6595 Email: dmharness@aol.com URL: http://www.vedicastrology.org | |
28 April - 1 May 2000 - England - First May "Face to Face" English Huber School Annual Residential Astrology workshops at Buckland Hall, Brecon Beacons National Park, England. Info: Phone/Fax: 44-15651-651131 Email: huberschool@btinternet.com | |
29 April - 1 May 2000 - Germany - Kosmobiosophische Gesellschaft e.V. German-European Astrology Congress, Heppenheim, Germany, with Christian Borup, Anabela Cudell, Ingrid Grueneberg, Manfred Michael Herm, Rita Rauchalles, Eric Weil. Info: Rosenthalerstr. 52, D-41849 Wassenberg, Phone/Fax 49-2432-49644. | |
5 - 7 May 2000 - Brazil Congress: "Astrology for the New Being", Sao Paulo, Brazil, organized by Valdenir Benedetti, with Ana Cristina Abbade, Aline Alvarenga, J. Lluis Argila (Spain), Otavio Azevedo, Valdenir Benedetti, Mauricio Bernis, Vicente Cassanya (Spain), Maria Eugenia de Castro, Marcelo Cronos, Alexey Dodsworth, Antonio Facciolo, Waldemar Falcao, Antonio Carlos Fini, Sergio Frug, Waldyr Bonadei Fucher, Carlos Hollanda, Claudia Lisboa, Marcia Mattos, Adhemar Eugenio de Mello, Sergio Mortari, Jose Maria Gomes Neto, Hanna Opitz, Julio Cezar Parreira, Ana Maria Costa Ribeiro. Email: valbenedetti@uol.com.br or astro.logos@uol.com.br | |
18 - 21 May 2000 - USA - 8th Annual Astrology & Stock Market Conference, Hotel Intercontinental, New York City, U.S.A, sponsored by the Astrologers Fund Inc. Info: Phone 1-212-949-7211, Fax 1-212-949-7274 Email: conf@afund.com URL: http://www.afund.com | |
26 - 28 May 2000 - USA 16th Annual NORWAC 2000, Seattle, WA, USA, with Sheila Belanger, James Coleman, Basil Fearrington, Steven Forrest, Demetra George, Dana Gerhardt, Dr. Mitchell Gibson, Jeffrey Green, Robert Hand, Jeff Jawer, Alphee Lavoie, Gretchen Lawlor, Lee Lehman, Ph.D., Roxana Muise, Gregory Nalbandian, Glenn Perry, Ph.D., David Pond, Kim Rogers-Gallagher, Philip Sedgwick, Diana Stone, Anne Toth, Joanne Wickenburg. Info: Phone 1-206-545-2912 Email: laurag@astrologyetal.com URL: http://www.astrologyetal.com/norwac.html | |
26 - 28 May 2000 - Ireland 24th Annual Conference of the Irish Astrological Association, Bellinter House, Navan, Co Meath (just outside Dublin), Ireland, with Michael Asher Ireland), Peta High (UK), Rick Levine (USA), Maurice McCann (UK), Dione Smith (UK), Komilla Sutton (UK). Info: The Irish Astrological Association, 193, Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Phone: 353-1-496-9440. Email: mcmcann@compuserve.com URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mcmcann | |
1 - 5 June 2000 - Switzerland * 7th Astrology World Congress: "Astrology 2000 - The symbolic language of a new era", Congresshall, Lucerne, Switzerland, with Annelies Ambauen, Verena Bachmann, Hajo Banzhaf (Germany), Lynn Bell (France), Nicholas Campion (England), Brian Clark (Australia), Heidi Dohmen, Dr Liz Greene, Dr Stanislav Grof (USA), Drs Karen Hamaker-Zondag (The Netherlands), Johan Hjelmborg (Denmark), Joyce Hopewell (England), Detlef Hover (Germany), Louise Huber, Michael-Alexander Huber, Jeff Jawer (USA), Markus Jehle (Germany), Louise Kirsebom (Denmark), Monica Kissling, Alexandra Klinghammer (Germany), Wolfhard Koenig (Germany), Glennys Lawton (Australia), Dr J. Lee Lehman (USA), Lianella Livaldi Laun (Germany), Richard Llewellyn (England), Ray Merriman (USA), Hermann Meyer (Germany), Winfried Noe (Germany), Alan Oken (USA), Ernst Ott (Germany), Dr Glenn Perry (USA), Wilfried De Philipp (Germany), Melanie Reinhart (England), Mona Riegger (Germany), Regula Saner, Dr Peter Schlapp (Germany), Ruth Schmidhauser, Frank Sperdin, Sibylle Sulser, Dr Richard Tarnas (USA), Brigitte Theler, Hannelore Traugott (Austria), Noel Jan Tyl (USA), Claude Weiss. All lectures have simultaneous translations into German or English. Info: Phone 41-1-7001012 or 41-1-7103776, Fax 41-1-7001610 or 41-1-7103786 Email: astrocongress@astrodata.ch or huber_api@compuserve.com URL: http://www.astrodata.ch or http://www.astro-api.com | |
9 - 11 June 2000 - Greece 1st Mediterranean Congress: "Astrology, the cultural nucleus of the 3rd millennium" organized by the Italian Federation of Astrologers (CIDA) and the Federation of the Astrologers of Southern Europe (FAES), at Mikonos Isle, Greece, with Italian, French, Spanish, Greek speakers and Robert Hand. Simultaneous translations. Email: tomgemin@otenet.gr URL: http://www.cida.net/mykonos.htm | |
10 - 11 June 2000 - Argentina - COSMO VISION 2000: "4th Encounter among Astrologers", Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lectures should be submitted in Spanish before March 31, 2000. Info: Phone 54-11-49437084 Email: asturian@giga.com.ar URL: http://www.giga.com.ar/cosmos/ | |
16 - 18 June 2000 - USA International Conference "Creative Astrological Thinking, 2000 Initiation into the New Century", Hunter College, New York City (NY), U.S.A. with Bernie Ashman, Stephanie Azaria, Claudia Bader, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Meira Epstein, Stephen Fleming, Demetra George, Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Linda Joyce, Ken Kimball, Alphee Lavoie, Michael Lutin, John Marchesella, Bob Marks, Eileen McCabe, Arlene Marcia Nimark, Amanda Owen, Gene Shaw, Frank Signorella, Judi Vitale. Info: Phone 1-201-493-0222 Email: sazaria@aol.com | |
5 - 8 July 2000 - Spain XVII Iberian Astrology Congress, organized by Asociacion Vizcaina de Astrologia (AVA) in Bilbao, Spain. Info: Phone 34-94-4239861 Email: astroviz@teleline.es | |
9 - 14 July 2000 - USA - American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) Convention, Hotel Rio, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Info: phone 1-602-838-1751, Fax 1-602-838-8293 Email: afa@msn.com URL: http://www.astrologers.com/ | |
10 - 15 July 2000 - Brazil "The Muses of the New Millennium", organized by Antonio Harres & Friends. An astrological event in tribute of 75th year of Emma Mascheville (Lorelair) in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with some of the best Brazilian astrologers, also including online events. Info: Phone 55-24-221-3359, Fax 55-24-221-2977, Antonio C. Harres Email: harresac@compuland.com.br | |
1 - 23 August 2000 - USA Summerschool at the Wisdom School, Santa Fe, NM, USA, with Julie Gillantine, Arielle Guttman, Alan Oken, Luis Ribeiro (Portugal), Erin Sullivan, incl. a visit to the Sacred Sites of the Anasazi and Pueblo Native American Cultures. Email: alanoken@worldnet.att.net URL: http://www.thewisdomschool.org | |
18 - 25 August 2000 - England Faculty of Astrological Studies annual residential Summer School, Jesus College, Oxford, England, with Lynn Bell, Kim Farley, Ron Gwynn, Judy Hall, Helene Haw, Sandra Levy, Jamie MacPhail, Clare Martin, Jacquelyn Miles-Windmill, Lindsay Radermacher, Sue Tompkins. Info: Phone 44-7000-790143 Email: info@astrology.org.uk URL: http://www.astrology.org.uk | |
1 - 4 September 2000 - England * Annual Conference: "Bridge to the New Millennium" organized by The Astrological Association of Great Britain, Reading University, Reading (near London), England, with Lynn Bell (France), Bernadette Brady (Australia), Didier Castille (France), Darby Costello, Roy Gillett, Ed Gillam, Darrelyn Gunzberg (Australia), Dennis Harness (USA), Michael Lutin (USA), David Meadows (Germany), Paul Mayo, Raymond Merriman (USA), Russell Parkinson, Gerasime Patilas, Glenn Perry (USA), Kim Rogers-Gallagher (USA), Erin Sullivan (USA), Asshti Tousignant (France), Claude Weiss (Switzerland). Info: phone 44-181-880-4848, fax 44-181-880-4849 Email: astrological.association@zetnet.co.uk URL: http://www.astrologer.com/aanet/index.html | |
1 - 3 September 2000 - India Vedic Astrology Conference, Bangalore, India, sponsored by Dr E. Vedavyas, Ph.D. IAS, President University of Vedic Sciences. Email: vedavyas@hd2.dot.net.in | |
22 - 24 September 2000 - Russia 5th International Conference "Uranus in Aquarius", Moscow, Russia, with Bernadette Brady, Darrelyn Ganzburg (Australia), David Meadows, Hajo Banzhaf, Heidi Treier (Germany), Alicia Hzshanovska, Petr Palagin (Poland), Sergey Smelyakov (Ukraine), Boris Izraitel, Juri Oleshko, Sergey Shestopalov, Aleksandr Zaraev. Email: astrol.str@relcom.ru URL: http://www.astrolog.ru | |
23 - 24 September 2000 - USA Central New York Astrology Conference, Painted Post, NY, USA. Info: Phone 1-607-527-8975 Email: chris@wiseastrocenter.com URL: http://www.wiseastrocenter.com | |
28 Sept. - 1 October 2000 - England 3rd International Conference organised by the British Association for Vedic Astrology (BAVA), London, England, with Gordon Brennan, Christina Collins-Hill, Andrew Foss, Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Dennis Harness, Edith Hathaway, William Levacy, Jaya Shekhar and Komilla Sutton. Info: BAVA, 19 Jenner Way, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8PD, England Email: bava@btinternet.com URL: http://www.bava.org | |
5 - 9 October 2000 - USA * ISAR 2000: "The Future of Astrology: Cutting Edge Skills for the 21st Century Professional", Hyatt Alicante Hotel, Anaheim, California, U.S.A. with Maureen Ambrose, Verena Bachman (Switzerland), Robert Blaschke, Greg Bogart, Timothy Bost, Nick Campion (England), Matt Carnicelli, David Cochrane, James Coleman, Darby Costello (England), Joseph Crane, Donna Cunningham, Bette Denlinger, Zip Dobyns, Ronnie Dreyer, Jennifer Freed, Regina Gerstman, Roy Gillett (England), Robert Hand, Geraldine Hannon, Stan Harley, Dennis Harness, Joyce Hoen (The Netherlands), Laura Rose des Jardins, Arlene Kramer, Rick Levine, Jeanne Long, Thomas Long, Michael Lutin, Marc McDonough, Chris McRae, Bill Meridian, Raymond Merriman, Grace Morris, Roxana Muise, Robert Mulligan, Michael Munkasey, Dorothy Oja, Ann Parker, Glenn Perry, Ph.D., Ricki Reeves, Lois Rodden, Kim Rogers-Gallagher, Bruce Scofield, Philip Sedgwick, Maria Kay Simms, Gloria Star, Georgia Stathis, Richard Tarnas, Carole Tebbs, Mark Urban-Lurain, Topaz Weis, Claude Weiss, Joanne Wickenburg, Cynthia Withers. Info: Phone 1-248-626-4389, Fax 1-248-626-5673 URL: http://www.isarastrology.com | |
6 - 8 October 2000 - Germany Annual conference of the Deutscher Astrologen-Verband e.V. DAV, Bonn, Germany. Details: to be announced. Info: Phone/Fax 49-6221-182010 Email: davev@t-online.de URL: http://www.dav-astrologie.de | |
20 - 22 October 2000 - Czech Republic - 3rd European Astrology Congress: "Story of Sensibility and Reason - Synergy of spiritual and scientific", organized by the Czech Astrological Society, Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic. Info: Tolsteho 20, 10100 Prague, Czech Republic Email: bohuslav@comp.cz | |
28 October 2000 - England Astrological Lodge of London 17th History of Astrology Seminar, London, England, with Nick Campion, Bernard Eccles, Mike Edwards and Gunther Oestmann. Info: Phone 44-171-700-0639, Fax 44-171-700-6479. | |
25 November 2000 - England Astrological Association Correlation Research Day, London, England. Info: Phone 44-181-8804848, Fax 4-181-8804849 Email: astrological.association@zetnet.co.uk | |
25 - 26 November 2000 - Switzerland Fourth Symposium of Astrology in Zuerich, Switzerland, organized by Beatrice Ganz (Switzerland), with Claudia Altvater (Germany), Matthias Dalvit (Switzerland), Heidi Dohmen (Switzerland), Detlef Hover (Germany), Hans Joachim Klupsch (Germany), Dieter Koch (Switzerland), Harald Seeberger (Germany), Wolfgang Somary (England), Ulrike Wilhelm (Germany). Info: Phone 41-1-4224682, Fax 41-1-4224620 Email: beatrice-ganz@bluewin.ch | |
28 December 2000 - 1 January 2001 - Canada "STATE OF THE ART 2000" Conference, Toronto,Canada, with John Ballantrae, Dean Bensics, Ellen Bourn, Gloria Carol, M.Div., Stephanie Clement, Priscilla Costello, Mary Downing, Pat Geisler, Axel Harvey, Antoinette Imhoff, Barbara Junceau, Alphee Lavoie, Marcia Masino, Glenn Perry, Ph.D, Dietrech Pessin, Carole Ray, Laurel Tate, Angel Thompson, Donna Van Toen, Robert Zoller. Info: Phone 1-416-466-2258 Email: cvantoe@attglobal.net | |
17 - 20 May 2001 - USA 9th Annual Astrology & Stock Market Conference, Hotel Intercontinental, New York City, U.S.A, sponsored by the Astrologers Fund Inc. Info: Phone 1-212-949-7211, Fax 1-212-949-7274 Email: conf@afund.com URL: http://www.afund.com | |
24 - 25 November 2001 - Switzerland Fifth Symposium of Astrology in Zuerich, Switzerland, organized by Beatrice Ganz (Switzerland), with Udo Rudolph (Germany), Jochen Schwarz (Germany), Wolfgang Somary (England), Willi Stauffer (Switzerland), Gabriela Talib (Austria), Ulrike Voltmer (Germany). Info: Phone 41-1-4224682, Fax 41-1-4224620 Email: beatrice-ganz@bluewin.ch |
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