Mon 14 October, 11:10 PM UT
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 80.31%
Waxing Gibbous
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The above scrolling banner displays the 30 celebrities most clicked on yesterday. Our banner is updated everyday at 12:00 am.
Astrology DataBase updated Monday, 14 October 2013 at 6:12 pm, CEST
46,455 celebrities and events, out of which 19,234 entries with a known time of birth, horoscope, excerpts of astrological portrait, biography, photo, and 19,039 heights. See categories, search by filters or astrological criteria, and latest additions. Celebrities clicked on in real-time or yesterday: 215,851,924 times. |
The website for non French speaking astrological videos. We welcome all videos connected with Astrologers, astrological Conferences etc. It is a complement to TELEPROVIDENCE.COM, the French Astrological Television
samedi 28 septembre 2013
Congreso de Astrologia Barcelona 23. 11 2013
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