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mercredi 26 février 2025
jacques halbronn Prévision astrologique à l'aube d'une nouvelle phase cardinale. Cyclicité de la Confiance
jacques halbronn Prévision astrologique à l'aube d'une nouvelle phase cardinale. Cyclicité de la Confiance
La toute prochaine entrée de Saturne en bélier est le signe d'une sanction prononcée contre ceux qui ont fait preuve de négligence et auront manqué de vigilance. Et Bayrou nous apparait comme emblématique des personnalités impactables selon notre Astrologie Septennale.
Sur le web
" Les appels à la démission de François Bayrou se font de plus en plus pressants à gauche, quelques jours après la médiatisation de l’affaire Notre-Dame de Bétharram et des « mensonges » du Premier ministre, révélés par Mediapart ainsi que d’autres médias. On vous résume cette affaire de violences physiques et sexuelles, ainsi que les accusations qui sont portées à l’égard du chef du gouvernement."
Macron aura probablement fait fausse route en le prenant pour succéder à Barnier, d'autant que Bayrou est un récidiviste. C'est oublier en effet sa démission dès juin 2017 en tant que Garde des Sceaux au début de son premier mandat présidentiel alors que Saturne gravite à la fin du Sagittaire pour basculer à la fin de l'année en capricorne, un des 4 signes cardinaux, correspondant aux axes équinoxiaux/solsticiaux.
Sur le web
« Nous n’avons jamais eu d’emplois fictifs » au MoDem, a redit celui qui redeviendra maire de Pau, parlant d'« une affaire de « dénonciations anonymes » contre son parti dont il était « la véritable cible », et expliquant ne pas accepter « d’être condamné au silence ». Il s’en est pris aux « sycophantes », des délateurs dans la Grèce antique."
Actuellement fin février 2025, Saturne est à 20° Poissons et passera en bélier en mai. Dans les deux cas, Bayrou révéle une tendance à vouloir ne pas être au courant de ce qui se trame autour de lui. Il semble plus à son aise en phase mutable qu'en phase cardinale. Contrairement à Barbault, nous pensons que tout passe par les personnes et que l'astrologue doit annoncer l'ascension ou la chute des personnalités et non tel ou tel événement car c'est cette ascension ou cette chute qui fait événement comme dans le cas de Hitler nommé Chancelier par le président Hindenburg, au début de 1933.
Il convient de noter que les leaders sont impactés par les changements de phase voire qu'ils les incarnent. Cela signifie que la phase cardinale doit conduire les leaders à assumer leurs manquements et à éprouver une certaine culpabilité rétroactivement. Il est ainsi probable que bientôt Bayrou lui même cessera d'être dans le déni et assume ses manquements et ses compromissions. On est ici à l'opposé d'une typologie rigide et prônons une psychologie évolutive, cyclique. Le suicide de Hitler et de son complice Goebbels (et de son épouse) témoignent d'une dualité, d'une conscience à l'aune d'une nouvelle phase.
On aura compris qu'en phase mutable, l'on a trop tendance à faire confiance aux autres, ce qui explique que Bayrou ait pu se décharger de certaines obligations sur son entourage, sur des collaborateurs/trices. La phase cardinale est celle d'un certain sevrage : on se rend compte du risque de trahison quand on se repose sur autrui qui aura abusé de la situation et ce sont donc les proches qui seront alors dans le collimateur du leader soit du fait de leur insuffisance, soit du fait de leurs calculs et intentions discutables..
JHB 26 02 25
samedi 15 février 2025
jacques halbronn Astrology . The Saturn Neptune cycle is a scientific mystification
jacques halbronn Astrology . The Saturn-Neptune cycle is a scientific mystification.
An experimented astrologer will always be able to show that his prediction corresponds to an important event for the excellent reason that human life presents constantly dramatic features. During a period of 36 years, interval between two Saturn Neptune conjunctions will occur around fifteen changes of periods, every 2 years and 4 months. Therefore, it will always be possible to connect any such conjunction with one of those 15 conjunctions/
Michel Gauquelin, 70 years ago, in 1955, had mentioned such a problem in his criticisme of astrological statistics by showing that more people were born at a certain time of the year than at other moments. Therefore, it will be expected that certain signes would be over-represented. Astrology has necessarily to indicate two contradictory tendances, that corresponds to what the idea of falsifiability, developed by Popper.
— "Popper says falsifiability is the hallmark of a scientific theory, and allows us to make a demarcation line between science and non-science."
We understand that the Saturn-Neptune effect exposed by André Barbault in 1955, has to include a counter experiment with opposite results. The probleme is to define what is the opposite configuration to a conjunction. Most astrologers tend to believe that the aspect of opposition will correspond to such a situation(see the principle of rulerships with exiles versus thrones). But, the opposition is to be identified with Syzygies
Syzygy (astronomy)
"In astronomy, a syzygy is a roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system. A syzygy occurs during eclipses" It is more likely to find an anti-conjonctional configuration when Saturn and Neptune are separated by a semi-square aspect (45°). In any case, any conjonction in a cardinal signe is to be equivalent, no matter if it occurs in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorne. Besides giving a special importance to Aries, will create a cycle not of 36 years but of 4 times this number (144 years, the revolution of Neptune being of 165 years). And it is precisely the point which will hypnotize astrologers to meet in Paris at the end of March 2025. It is true, however that 30 years ago, I had concentrated on Saturn passing every 30 yars on the vernal point but it did not include Neptune. (cf on SCRIBD Astrologie selon Saturne)
JHB 15 02 25
vendredi 14 février 2025
jacques halbronn Astrology as system of government, for Leaders.
jacques halbronn Astrology as system of government, for Leaders.
In the same measure that we do not accept that Astrology has to include all the planets of the solar system but only one, that is Saturne, shall we refuse the position according to which every human being would be directly concerned, influenced by the said solar system. That is why, as soon as 1976 ("Clefs pour l'Astrologie. Ed Seghers), we have rejected the natal chart (radix) since such a document includes all the planets for all people, which is a double mistake. Only a rare minority of mankind will indeed be directly involved within the astrological process.
According to us, only the cardinal periods of Saturn, that is when this planet enters a new Season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will bring Society to focus upon this "elite" and it is even not certain at each country will benefit of such a presence since the division of Mankind in several States (see the Tower of Babel) is likely to be rather artificial:
In fact, even when we speak of periods, it could be a little too extensive and the right time is probably the very moment when Saturn enters one of the 4 cardinal signs (equinox/solstice, indifferently), which happens only every 7 years, at the time when Saturn leaves a mutable sign for a cardinal sign/ But when Saturne leaves a cardinal sign toward a fixed sign, it also has to watched very carefully (after a time of 840 days). Then, a leader will be confronted to an existential crisis, with the feeling of being abandoned by the upper forces. One remembers what Christ said on the cross;
“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46, KJV)'
And obviously, what happens to a great leader is liable to impact the whole Society, Absence being as significant as Presence. When a leader is declining, it benefits to minor personalities, who will try to take his place at least for a while.. "when the cat is not there the mice dance", they say. A single person will be replaced by a group of people. And this leads us, eventually; to the "fixed" time. However, the wheel turns and again will come a new mutable period.
JHB 14 03 25
mercredi 12 février 2025
jacques halbronn Of the Importance of the Retrogradation of Satune in Astrology Seven
jacques halbronn Of the Importance of the Retrogradation of Saturn in Astrology Seven.
A very convincing point to prove the value of this new type of Astrology has to do with Retrogradation.
"A planetary retrograde is about how we see the orbit of other planets from our vantage point on Earth. From our perspective, these planets appear to be moving in reverse motion — moving backward through the zodiac. The length of each retrograde varies, as some happen for just three weeks and others for half a year"
In Astrology 7, such a phenomenon is not to be neglected. In any case, Saturn's retrogradation is meaning ful when it occurs at the frontier between two signs, that is two periods. If Saturn has entered a fixed sign, for instance and retrogrades in the previous mutable sign, that will interfere with the "natural" process of the cycle.
One could even say that retrogradations are an excellent way/method to prove our astrology which is much more precise than other types. Let us repeat what is the impact of each of the thrée phases starting from the mutable period, then passing to the cardinal period and finishing with the fixed period. The three periods are strongly interconnected so that it is difficult to sustain which is the first of the three to begin with. On can start with fixed Saturne, that is a time of hesitation, of disorientation, followed by a mutable Saturn, which creates a need of integration, of identification within a group and finally Saturn reaches a cardinal sign, which develops the ambition of becoming the center of the said group and afterwards, Saturne will return to another fixed sign and so on, and so forth.
JHB 12/ 02 25
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