vendredi 14 février 2025

jacques halbronn Astrology as system of government, for Leaders.

jacques halbronn Astrology as system of government, for Leaders. In the same measure that we do not accept that Astrology has to include all the planets of the solar system but only one, that is Saturne, shall we refuse the position according to which every human being would be directly concerned, influenced by the said solar system. That is why, as soon as 1976 ("Clefs pour l'Astrologie. Ed Seghers), we have rejected the natal chart (radix) since such a document includes all the planets for all people, which is a double mistake. Only a rare minority of mankind will indeed be directly involved within the astrological process. According to us, only the cardinal periods of Saturn, that is when this planet enters a new Season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will bring Society to focus upon this "elite" and it is even not certain at each country will benefit of such a presence since the division of Mankind in several States (see the Tower of Babel) is likely to be rather artificial: In fact, even when we speak of periods, it could be a little too extensive and the right time is probably the very moment when Saturn enters one of the 4 cardinal signs (equinox/solstice, indifferently), which happens only every 7 years, at the time when Saturn leaves a mutable sign for a cardinal sign/ But when Saturne leaves a cardinal sign toward a fixed sign, it also has to watched very carefully (after a time of 840 days). Then, a leader will be confronted to an existential crisis, with the feeling of being abandoned by the upper forces. One remembers what Christ said on the cross; “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46, KJV)' And obviously, what happens to a great leader is liable to impact the whole Society, Absence being as significant as Presence. When a leader is declining, it benefits to minor personalities, who will try to take his place at least for a while.. "when the cat is not there the mice dance", they say. A single person will be replaced by a group of people. And this leads us, eventually; to the "fixed" time. However, the wheel turns and again will come a new mutable period. JHB 14 03 25

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