mercredi 12 février 2025

jacques halbronn Of the Importance of the Retrogradation of Satune in Astrology Seven

jacques halbronn Of the Importance of the Retrogradation of Saturn in Astrology Seven. A very convincing point to prove the value of this new type of Astrology has to do with Retrogradation. "A planetary retrograde is about how we see the orbit of other planets from our vantage point on Earth. From our perspective, these planets appear to be moving in reverse motion — moving backward through the zodiac. The length of each retrograde varies, as some happen for just three weeks and others for half a year" In Astrology 7, such a phenomenon is not to be neglected. In any case, Saturn's retrogradation is meaning ful when it occurs at the frontier between two signs, that is two periods. If Saturn has entered a fixed sign, for instance and retrogrades in the previous mutable sign, that will interfere with the "natural" process of the cycle. One could even say that retrogradations are an excellent way/method to prove our astrology which is much more precise than other types. Let us repeat what is the impact of each of the thrée phases starting from the mutable period, then passing to the cardinal period and finishing with the fixed period. The three periods are strongly interconnected so that it is difficult to sustain which is the first of the three to begin with. On can start with fixed Saturne, that is a time of hesitation, of disorientation, followed by a mutable Saturn, which creates a need of integration, of identification within a group and finally Saturn reaches a cardinal sign, which develops the ambition of becoming the center of the said group and afterwards, Saturne will return to another fixed sign and so on, and so forth. JHB 12/ 02 25

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